Home > LED PRODUCTS > LED Jewelry > Bracelets> LED Remote Control Bracelet
led remote control bracelet tm09614.jpg
    Product InformationUpload date:Aug 2024
    Name LED Remote Control Bracelet
    Item No TM09614
    Light Modes 17
    Led Colors Multi Color LED
    Batteries 3*AAA
    Size 28.8*7.9*3.62CM,27.7*6.5*2.5CM
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  • led-remote-control-bracelet-tm09614-3.jpg.jpg
  • led-remote-control-bracelet-tm09614-4.jpg.jpg
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    Product Information    Upload date:Aug 2024
    Name LED Remote Control Bracelet
    Item No TM09614
    Light Modes 17
    Led Colors Multi Color LED
    Batteries 3*AAA
    Size 28.8*7.9*3.62CM,27.7*6.5*2.5CM
  • Product Description
  •  1. There are two types of products, one is a milky white silicone watch strap+milky white watch dial+silver metal clasp, and the other is a milky white silicone watch strap+milky white watch dial

    2. Both models contain 3*AAA batteries, the battery box cannot be locked by screwed, insulation sheets can be inserted, and remote control/non remote control functions can be performed
    3. Contains LED with 15 colors
    4. Light modes: Red--Green--Blue--Pink--White--Yellow--Light Blue--Light Green--Purple--Orange--Light Pink--Crystal Blue--Light Yellow--Green--Light Red--Multi Color Slow Change--Turn off


    "Introducing the LED Light Up Remote Control Bracelet! This stylish accessory lights up with vibrant LED colors and can be controlled remotely for ultimate convenience. Perfect for parties, concerts, and events where you want to stand out!"



    "Wir stellen vor: Das LED Light Up Remote Control Armband! Dieses stilvolle Accessoire leuchtet in lebendigen LED-Farben und lässt sich bequem per Fernbedienung steuern. Perfekt für Partys, Konzerte und Veranstaltungen, bei denen Sie auffallen möchten!"



    "Découvrez le bracelet LED Light Up Remote Control ! Cet accessoire élégant s'illumine de couleurs LED vibrantes et peut être contrôlé à distance pour une commodité ultime. Parfait pour les fêtes, les concerts et les événements où vous souhaitez vous démarquer !"



    "Vi præsenterer LED Light Up Remote Control armbåndet! Denne stilfulde accessory lyser op med levende LED farver og kan betjenes via fjernbetjening for ultimativ bekvemmelighed. Perfekt til fester, koncerter og begivenheder, hvor du gerne vil skille dig ud!"



    "¡Presentamos el brazalete LED Light Up Remote Control! Este elegante accesorio se ilumina con colores LED vibrantes y puede ser controlado remotamente para máxima comodidad. ¡Perfecto para fiestas, conciertos y eventos donde quieres destacar!"



    "Presentiamo il braccialetto LED Light Up Remote Control! Questo elegante accessorio si illumina con vivaci colori LED e può essere controllato a distanza per una comodità assoluta. Perfetto per feste, concerti ed eventi in cui vuoi distinguerti!"



    "Apresentamos o bracelete LED Light Up Remote Control! Este acessório elegante ilumina-se com cores vibrantes de LED e pode ser controlado remotamente para máxima conveniência. Perfeito para festas, concertos e eventos onde deseja destacar-se!"



    "LED Light Up Remote Control Braceletをご紹介します!このスタイリッシュなアクセサリーは、鮮やかなLEDカラーで光り、リモコンで操作が可能です。パーティーやコンサート、注目したいイベントに最適です!"



    "Представляем браслет LED Light Up Remote Control! Этот стильный аксессуар светится яркими цветами LED и может быть управляем с пульта для удобства. Идеально подходит для вечеринок, концертов и мероприятий, где вы хотите выделиться!"



    "نقدم لكم سوار LED Light Up Remote Control! هذا الإكسسوار الأنيق يضيء بألوان LED زاهية ويمكن التحكم به عن بعد لأقصى درجات الراحة. مثالي للحفلات والحفلات الموسيقية والفعاليات التي ترغب في أن تبرز فيها!"

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